
Find the coordinates of P so that P partitions AB in the ratio 2/5 with A(-8,-2) and B(6,19)

Accepted Solution

The coordinates of point P so that it partitions AB in the ratio 2/5 are (-4,4)Further explanation:The given point is calculated by using the coordinates of A and B.Here,m:n = 2:5A(x1, y1) = (-8,-2)B(x2, y2) = (6,19)The formula for using the coordinates of Point P(x,y) is:[tex]P(x,y) = (\frac{mx_2+nx_1}{m+n} , \frac{my_2+ny_1}{m+n})\\Putting\ the\ values\\x = \frac{(2)(6)+(5)(-8)}{2+5}\\=\frac{12-40}{7}\\=\frac{-28}{7}\\= -4\\y=\frac{my_2+ny_1}{m+n}\\=\frac{(2)(19)+(5)(-2)}{2+5}\\=\frac{38-10}{7}\\=\frac{28}{7}\\=4[/tex]So, the coordinates of point P so that it partitions AB in the ratio 2/5 are (-4,4)Keywords: Coordinate geometry, partition of line in segmentsLearn more about coordinate geometry at:brainly.com/question/10364988brainly.com/question/1286775#LearnwithBrainly